About your Appointment:
All sessions will be conducted during Pacific Time.
Cancellation Policy: If there is any reason you need to reschedule your appointment, please do so 24-hours PRIOR to your appointment by e-mailing us.
To get full benefits of your Reiki session, PLEASE follow these guidelines:
At the time of your appointment, please dress comfortably. You will be laying down in the same position for the duration of your appointment.
Ensure that you have your phone switched off or on silent.
Lie down or sit in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed, close your eyes and let go.
Reiki is more than powerful enough to work on you un-aided, so you don’t need to help it. If you try to help it, you will hinder its progress. You’ve paid for this session and I want you to get the best from it.
Allow the Reiki energy to heal and address all of your levels of being. Allow yourself to receive the healing energy.
During the session, you may experience some tingling sensation or warmth on different parts of your body. You will feel very relaxed, and might even fall asleep.
When the session is over, don’t get up straight away; make sure you lie or sit for another 5-10 minutes. When you’re ready to get up, drink a cold glass of water.
This is optional, but I’d love to hear back from you about your experience! Feel free to reach out to me a day or two after your treatment to share your experience.
Remember, everybody’s experience of Reiki is unique to them and varies from person to person.
After treatment, some feel refreshed, balanced with a positive outlook. Some may experience a temporary healing crisis. This means that the toxins in the body are being released into the bloodstream and are in the process of being removed from the system. This can cause weakness, stomach aches or headaches. Your body is in the process of adjusting itself back to balance, or homeostasis. Continue to drink plenty of water to assist in the detoxification.
The Reiki energy stays in your body and continues to re-balance your energy, detoxify, heal and do its relaxing work on you for up to a week and a half after each session.
Reiki’s sole function is to heal. You can receive treatment from a doctor or be on medication while having Reiki; neither will be adversely affected by Reiki.
I encourage you to live your best life by taking care of your mind, body & spirit.